About Us

It all started in around 1986. Simon’s dad Brian had a pool table company called Yorkshire Billiards.  Back then he sold pool tables, did some pool table service and also built a pool table called a Bar Billiards table. Its a game you’d find in an English pub. He was trying to bring it to the Canadian market and wasn’t too successful.  After that in 1991 Brian opened our first pool hall called The Slate Room. There was 14x 9’ Black Crown pool tables and at that time the pool scene was booming. This is the time where Simon’s pool career started.  During that time Brian continued to sell and service pool tables and pool cues on the side.  Simon was a teenager and was forced to come along and help dad work on pool tables.  This wasn’t his favorite time but who would have known it would have helped lead us to where we are today.

Simon Pickering as a Canadian Pro pool player-

Simon began his career at a young age, representing Canada in national junior competitions and later winning the Men's Grand Masters in Las Vegas in 2009. Despite taking a break from the sport for a few years, he continued to compete at a high level, qualifying for and competing 7 times in major events in China and Japan. In November 2019, he won the 89-player Official US Open 9-ball qualifier and went on to compete as a seeded player in the US Open 9 ball Championships. Simon is known for his skill and is considered a notable figure in the West Coast pool scene, we expect more wins in the future from Simon.